Beaucage : territoire peinture

Mots en toile Editions

To discover Michel Beaucage's painting territories is to travel freely and contemplate the world through the eyes and works of the artist. First, China, both mysterious and ornamental, subtly told in a series of works on rice paper. Then Spain, powerful and dramatic, captured with force by the omnipresence of blue and black, textures and forms. Finally, back to the roots, in the Québec forest, whose roots, branches and leaves are extended on canvas or paper, sketching landscapes pulsating with life, always in mutation.

Available in French in bookstores and online: leslibrairies.ca


"Séquences Orientales" Virtual Exhibit Visit

Ses Salines, Mallorca

L’art et la créativité

Michel Beaucage


Mythologie, Art Can Bonico, Mallorca, Spain, 2018

Photo by Léo Sapere

Mythologie, Art Can Bonico, Mallorca, Spain, 2018

Mythologie, Galerie Es Polvori , Ibiza, Spain

Portrait in the studio, Retour d'Espagne series, 2016

Photo by Guy L'Heureux

Retour de Chine, Galerie Éric Devlin, Montreal, 2017

Photo by Guy L'Heureux

Jardin caché, Centre Mandy Plaza, Xi'an, China, 2015

Accès Asie, Maison de la culture Mont-Royal, Montreal

Summertime, Halcyon Gallery, Shanghai, 2015

Group show, Contemporary art museum of Xi'an, China, 2015

Chambre Impériale, Galerie Espace 40, Brossard, 2014